ERC20 is a token standard on Ethereum. There are thousands of tokens out there, among the most famous are DAI, USDC, COMP, and others. Since the age of ICOs almost every project has its own token coin. Using this tool you can also deploy your own in a couple of clicks.
Yes! We have a button that will instantly add your token to your Metamask.
Our main focus is gas optimisation, so you pay a lot less of Ethereum transaction fees to deploy your token. Our deployment is 5-10x times cheaper than what other similar projects offer!
We use EIP-1167 CloneFactory proxies standard to deploy our ERC20. The only thing that is being deployed is a proxy contract which is just 41 byte and costs only 174 881 gas! It points to a pre-deployed ERC20 implementation singleton which makes it very efficient. We also use short Vanity addresses for the implementations, which saves gas even more.
Not at all! Using our service you can deploy ERC20 token without any programming. You just need a browser with MetaMask extension installed and some ETH to pay for the fees.
Our service fee is 0.05 ETH per deployment, plus network fees, which depend on the current gas price (but usually are just a tenth part of the above). For your convenience, we've added a costs calculator that estimates your expenses using current Ethereum network fees.
We have a helper that can list your token on UniSwap exchange (the #1 DeFi exchange on Ethereum). In future we will add a feature to use Balancer Configurable pools for Liquidity bootstrapping - the newest trend of 2021.
The coins will instantly appear on your Ethereum account, which you were using to deploy the ERC20 token. To see them in MetaMask you just need to add them on the list using a button on our website.
As you will have all the amount on your account - you can easily send them to anyone using a wallet, for example MetaMask.
Yes. We constantly work on adding more options like Burnable, Mintable, Pausable, GSN support, etc. Stay with us and subscribe for the newsletter to be the first to try them!
Currently we offer the most simple ERC20 with a fixed token supply that you specify during its creation. That means that all supply will be available on your account instantly, and you will have to take care of its distribution to end-users.
Anyone can use this page! Even if you haven't used service to create your ERC20 token - you can still put the ERC20 address here to check the parameters and add the token to Metamask.
We are working to enable Add To Uniswap functionality currently, and we plan to add more integrations for tokens - creating a Liquidity Provider Bootstrapping pool on Balancer, doing IBCO's, and many other things - stay tuned and subscribe to our social media to be the first to know. The functionality for tokens created with our service will be free.
Any Ethereum network supported by Metamask - you just need to switch to the needed network inside Metamask interface.
You need to have Metamask installed for the Management tools to work. You can download it from the official site.
Sure! Along with Mainnet, we also have our contracts deployed on all major Ethereum Testnets: Ropsten, Rinkeby, Goerli, Kovan. You just need to switch the network in MetaMask, and the rest will work out of the box.
The transaction that deploys your ERC20 token will be prepared for you to submit - you just have to approve it with MetaMask. Then, depending on Ethereum network conditions and gas usage - you will have to wait sometime until it gets mined. You will get a transaction hash in the meantime - that you can follow on Etherscan. After it gets confirmed by network - you will get an address of your newly deployed token and a button to add it to MetaMask tokens list.
Ethereum is a decentralized network that works in such a way that all transactions must be "caught" and saved to the blockchain by miners. Usually paying a higher network gas fees motivate miners to prioritize your transaction among the others. Here on coinstructor we use a high gas price as a default, but because the amount of gas required for deploy is very low compared to competitors - you still save a lot and your total costs are still exceptionally low.
It's better not to. You should wait until your deployed token address to appear - and save it. If by any case you closed the window and want to find your ERC20 address - you still can find a transaction in Metamask, go to Etherscan, Logs - and there you will find the address at newERC20Address field. We're already working on a Manage dashboard where you can see all your tokens and interact with them.
Relax. This is exactly where the gas-optimization magic is. To read more about it - see How It Works page.
This happens when the transaction is gonna revert for some reason. Please check if you have enough ETH in your wallet to pay 0.05 ETH fee and a little bit extra for gas. If you still have this problem - please contact us, describing the details of your transaction (paste the DATA field from MetaMask transaction window). Also if you were initially connected with a different MetaMask account that doesn't have funds and have switched it to a different one - you might still need to check if it's "Connected" in Metamask.